Forgot my advertiser password


If you are trying to access your Advertiser account and the system is not recognizing your password you may reset the password by clicking Forgot Password.


Enter your email address associated to your Advertiser account and click 'GO' .


Access your email account and click the link. You will be automatically log in to your account.



You will receive this email notification right after you are automatically log in to your account.



To customize your password click 'Preferences' select 'Login Info' and enter the password you want to use and hit 'SAVE SETTINGS' . Logout and log back in and see if the new password you set up is correct.



If you wanted to close your account because you no longer need the service or other reasons you may cancel your account inside the panel. Click 'Preferences' and select 'Cancel My Account'.


Click 'YES' to cancel your account, otherwise click 'NO'.


Enter the reason for your cancellation and hit 'SUBMIT'


To login to your account simply click the 'LOG IN' button in the upper right hand corner of the page.


To login to your Publisher Account click 'Log in for Publishers' button. If you have no account click Register Here.

Enter your username and password you used when you registered your account. Hit the 'SIGN IN' button to continue. If you forgot your password click Forgot Password and enter your email address. You will receive an email  that you requested a password recovery to your account on Admailr. Click the link in the email to confirm. Use "preferences / Login Info" to set new password.


To login to your Advertisers Account click 'Log In for Advertisers' button. If you have no account click Register Here.


Enter your username and password you used when you registered your account. Hit the 'Login' button to continue. If you forgot your password click Forgot Password and enter your email address. You will receive an email that you requested a password recovery to your account on Admailr. Click the link in the email to confirm. Use "preferences / Login Info" to set new password.


There are 3 easy steps to register an account for Advertiser. To begin click the ‘LOGIN’ button up at the top. Below the login for Advertisers click the ‘Register Here‘ to continue.

Step1. Enter your information and when done click ‘REGISTER’

Step 2. You will see this notification to check your email to confirm. If you have not receive the email confirmation you may click the link to resend the activation email.

Click the  ‘Confirm your email’ to continue.

Step 3. In the Account Activation section enter your desired username and password, company namae and phone number and click ‘COMPLETE ACCOUNT’

After clicking you will be redirected to your advertiser account.