Your Quick Guide for Successful Email Advertising

Is email advertising one of the most underutilized advertising channels? Is it about to explode in importance and popularity? We definitely think so. Just consider some of these facts:

  • Did you know there are 3 times as many email accounts as there are Twitter and Facebook accounts?
  • Or that people are six times more likely to click-through a link in an email than on any other channel?

Whether you want to advertise in other people’s emails or make more money from your own emails by selling ad-space, it’s time to start leveraging this opportunity. That is why we’ve prepared a quick guide to help you out.

Email advertising is one of the most underutilized advertising channels that’s just about to blow up

Buying ad space in newsletters

If you want to buy ad space in other people’s emails, first you must learn the difference between the different kinds of ads. This will help you decide how to go about advertising. The following 3 types of ads exist in both website advertising and email advertising.

Banner Ads (Display ads)

This is the most well-known form of advertising online. Everyone knows what a banner is. We’ve all seen millions of banners since the day we started using the internet. They’re almost on every website you’ll ever visit. But that’s actually where the problem comes in.

As of today, most internet users have developed something that’s known as “banner blindness”. In other words, their brains have become accustomed to filtering out banners. They don’t even perceive that banner sitting on the side, trying to get their attention.

This is why banners on websites today have incredibly low clickthrough rates. It’s also why many advertisers are switching to native ads, but more on that later.

Yet, brands still tend to use banner ads. In 2015 a total of $27.05 billion was spent on display ads alone. And today, designers and advertisers have to fight much harder to get the attention of internet users. They have to constantly come up with new ideas and designs that are pretty clever to get any attention at all.

Retargeting is another strategy that marketers utilize these days to help slow down the death of traditional advertising. With this technology, the banner ads that you see are very personalized to your interests and needs. They are based on your browsing history and the content you read most of the time.

Will retargeting save display ads? Maybe. It uses a similar psychological mechanism as native ads.Click To Tweet

The good news here is that when banner ads feel more personal, they can still perform relatively well. This is why retargeting works. It is also why banner ads still do relatively well when displayed inside of emails.

They are received better because they "feel more personal". If you pick a newsletter that covers topics related to your banner ad, you can be sure it will get a pretty good click through rate.

This means that you can get good results from display ads without having to do so much work. You don't have to spend a lot of time crafting advanced retargeting strategies or super-clever attention-getting graphics. Just put your ads inside of an email newsletter that people trust. But wait, how do you do that?

This is where AdMailr comes in. We've developed a straightforward platform that helps you advertise in emails. While we (at AdMailr) believe that Native Ads are the future of advertising, we still support display ads. In fact, AdMailr might just be the easiest way to dive right in and place some of your display ads in emails. Give it a try.

Admailr developed a straightforward platform that helps you advertise in emails

Native ads

Native advertising is slowly starting to take over the field of advertising, and for a good reason. If you didn't know, a native ad is basically an ad that doesn’t look like an ad. It’s a special kind of paid advertisement that blends into a given medium. In other words, it looks like it’s part of the website you’re seeing.

A popular example are those widgets you see with “recommended posts” or “recommended reading”. It’s basically a list of items, usually with a thumbnail, title, and a teaser line.

Some of the items will be links to posts on that same website, whilst others will actually link to a 3rd party website. Those 3rd party items are actually native ads, but they don’t look different than the other items on the list.

Now, this is just one example of a “native ad”. There are actually many different implementations of the concept. The one thing they all have in common is that they work much better than traditional display ads. The reason for this is simple - native ads look like they are part of the editorial content.

Fortunately for you, it is now possible to use native advertising inside of emails. Enter AdMailr - a company that’s passionate about being a leader in native email advertising. You can join today and start utilizing the power of native email ads long before your competitors learn about this strategy.

Sponsored content

You might occasionally see a feature editorial in a major publication like the New York Times, and it will say something like “Sponsored By IBM”. This is one major example of how sponsored content works. It’s different than a native ad because it appears on the actual medium in its fullest.

A native ad will blend into the publisher’s content and divert people towards your content, which you actually host on your own medium. Sponsored content, on the other hand, will have the full content being hosted and published on that publisher’s medium.

This option requires more work and investment than native or display ads. This is why you will mostly only see bigger companies using it. And yes, just like the other two types of ads, you can have sponsored content in emails as well.

Unlike with native or display ads, there is no way to automate advertising with sponsored content in emails. You will generally need to reach out to newsletter publishers directly and win them over.

If they like what you write about, you might reach an arrangement where they let you publish sponsored content in their newsletter.

If newsletter publishes like what you write about, you might reach an arrangement where they let you publish sponsored content in their newsletter.

Selling ad space in your emails

Analyzing and improving your performance

If you want to sell ad space in your emails, you must be certain that your emails are well accepted with your list. You constantly need to improve your newsletters, your emailing practices and the quality of your list. It also helps to perform regular list-hygiene.

Want to make more money selling ads in your newsletter? Focus on constantly improving the 3 metrics of email quality.Click To Tweet

The three most important metrics of quality for your email list are the open rate, the click through rate and the unsubscribe rate.

You need to watch the un-subscribers rate because it can seriously damage your reputation. If you see that the rate is high, you need to take action and understand the reason why people are unsubscribing.

There can be many reasons why they might be leaving. Look to your email reports to find out if there are specific points at which they drop out. Are there specific emails that produce more unsubscriptions? Does it happen more with certain campaigns?

And if a lot of these unsubscriptions are happening right as people join, you need to review your entire opt-in process. Are you tricking them to join in some way without being fully transparent regarding what they will get into?

Analyze the results of your campaigns. If you’re not getting more money, it’s time for a change.

If your open rates are low, there are many possible reasons. If it isn't associated with a high-unsubscription rate, it usually means that you're not getting the content right. Perhaps much of your content isn't interesting to most readers, but they choose to stay because you "occasionally have good stuff".

To improve this situation, you want to do more segmentation and personalization. Delve deep and find out what segments of your list are into which kinds of topics and emails. Then find ways to make a person's presence on your list more personalized. This is a broad topic in and of itself, but we have you covered on the Emercury blog. Start with our guide on behavioral email marketing.

If the click-through rate is low, this can be an issue, assuming the previous two factors aren't. If your open rates are high, but people still aren't clicking on your links, you need to train your readers to become "clickers" or "action-takers". This is important if you're going to sell ad space. If they're not clicking your links much, they won't click on ads much either.

You want to study subjects like copywriting, conversion and how to craft quality CTAs. Then, set a goal to get more people to click your links early on in their membership. If you train them to click links while they're new subscribers, they're more likely to keep clicking later on. This includes both your links and any of the ads.

Finding customers for your ad space

The best customers for your ad space are some of your already existing business partners. Also, you can ask some of your customers if they need your ad space. However, you must remember that each ad must fit well in your email.

For example, if your company is in the fashion industry, the ad can’t be about professional maids. If you can’t find someone to buy your ad space, you can ask for help. At Admailr, we always connect the right ad buyers with the right ad sellers.

Getting help with email advertising

Whether you want to buy or sell ad space, it's a lot easier with an automated platform that handles it for you. AdMailr is one of the leading email advertising platforms, and we're still growing. If you want a straightforward way to immediately get into email advertising, this is for you.

You can get an account and set it up in minutes. Give it a try today, it costs nothing to get a peek at how effortless email advertising can be.


 When it comes to making money online, email marketing is still king. In fact, it works better than ever. Business owners that do not incorporate email marketing in their way of doing business are losing out - big time.

So why does email marketing work so well in the first place?

And in fact, why does it work better than ever? This is actually quite simple. Email marketing is the best way to build a relationship with your current and potential (future) customers. This has always been a tremendous benefit. People are more likely to buy from someone they trust and have a connection with.

Email marketing has always been king, but with relationship-driven trends, its importance has grown even further.Click To Tweet

Today, however, this is becoming more important than ever. Traditional intrusive marketing is killing itself. People are becoming immune to direct advertising. Nowadays, it looks like a relationship-driven approach is becoming your only choice. In a word, if you’re not utilizing email marketing, you’re leaving a ton of money on the table.

If you’re not utilizing email marketing, you’re leaving a ton of money on the table.

Native ads deserve an honorable mention

There is a way of getting all these cool benefits while piggybacking on the relationship that someone else has built. This is where native ads come into play. A native ad is basically an ad that appears in a publication alongside its regular content.

It looks indistinguishable from the regular editorial content (it doesn’t look or feel like an ad). In that way, you get all the trust those readers already have for this publisher. You get all the benefits of that relationship, without having to build it yourself.

Native ads are the fastest way to tap into the power of relationship-driven marketing. Now available in emails.Click To Tweet

Native ads are typically recognized as something you place on a website. But AdMailr is here to change that. Nothing builds a quality relationship the way email marketing does. So why not have native ads inside of emails?

With Admailr, now you can. We've built a truly amazing platform that lets you easily get your ads inside of popular newsletters. You just write your native ad (or traditional display ad), and our system automatically finds the best places to insert it. You do get all the control you need, as you can choose from many targeting options. To learn more or get started, just check out our front page.

Get started with email marketing; here’s what you need to know

Sure, you can use AdMailr to place ads in someone else’s emails. And you should start leveraging this amazing opportunity as soon as possible. But you also want to combine this option with running your own email list. A smart business is one that combines both strategies.

Basically, you want to build your own relationships and leverage other people’s relationships. AdMailr actually helps with both sides of the coin. But more on that later. For now, let’s look at what you need to know about getting started with doing your own email marketing.

There are things you should know before starting your very own email marketing campaign

The first step, create an email list

It should be obvious, but you need to first identify a quality email provider. Fortunately, over at Emercury, we offer one of the most generous free plans when it comes to email marketing. You can sign up today and start experimenting with even the most advanced email marketing features.

But whichever provider you choose, make sure to learn how it works. Emercury offers a great knowledge base and tutorials for example.

  • Be sure that you understand how to configure a campaign
  • Learn about the options it provides for capturing email leads
  • Explore the different features and see which ones apply to you
  • Learn which features you need to start using immediately
  • See which features you'll come back to when you have a bigger list

It's important to strike that balance of paying enough attention to detail versus doing too much too soon. For example, it's important to study your email reports and analyze your open rates. But if you have 12 subscribers, it might be a tad too soon for that.

It's never too soon to start learning, though, especially about things like list hygiene and email deliverability. So make sure to study these things as you go along. The emercury blog has plenty of free learning materials on email marketing.

Build some great incentives for people to opt-in

You know what's the worst way to ask people for their email? Say "sign up for our list" and offer no further reasons why they should do it. Even if you have super-enthusiastic followers, most will not sign up without being given a reason why. And that's just in terms of your raving fans.

Without a 'reason why', most people will skip giving you their email address. This even includes your raving fans.Click To Tweet

If you want to get the most people to sign up, even people randomly stumbling on your website, you need to learn about incentives, i.e. promising people something of value in exchange for their email address.

Here are a couple of popular incentive-based approaches

  • Perhaps you might offer a free PDF report. This would be a lengthy guide that has value to people in your niche. They receive it as a gift when they join your newsletter.
  • Or you might offer a discount coupon for the products that you sell. This is an option for those who have stores that sell physical products. They would get the coupon after subscribing.
  • You can even offer a "Free 7 Day Email Course". With this popular option, you deliver those daily lessons by email. And when the course is finished, they automatically continue as subscribers to your general newsletter or email campaigns.

So, in summary: You need to identify some "great reasons why" people should sign up to your list in general. You can outline these reasons under your general sign-up form. But additionally, you want to create additional incentivized reasons that encourage people to give you their email address. This will take some experimentation, but over time you will discover great incentives that fill your list with new subscribers.

You need to identify something that will bring value to people, and see them flock to your email account.

Work on your writing craft, make those emails feel personal

One of the cornerstones of a successful relationship with your subscribers is trust and integrity. Being a good writer allows you to become an authority in the eyes of your readers. So you definitely want to focus on mastering this skill.

When it comes to email marketing though, you want to pay special attention to develop a casual tone. You want your emails to feel personal. Almost as if they were written for each participant individually.

If you get a lot of people hitting reply and responding to your automated emails as if it were a personal email, you're doing it right. And if you haven't gotten such responses yet, work on your craft until you do.

Don’t send a barrage of emails

Sending emails seems straightforward, but there’s always a catch. You don’t want to send too many emails and seem needy or desperate.

If you send one today, don’t send another one tomorrow. The exception to this rule is if you specifically had people sign up for something like this. Perhaps you offer a “7-day course” and people will get an email every day in the next seven days.

But if people are signing up for a general email list, as a general rule, two or three times a week is about right. Alternatively, “an email every couple of days” is also a good "starting guideline" to follow.

You don’t want to send too many emails and seem needy or desperate.

But don’t let yourself slip into obscurity either

Never have a subscriber that goes a long period of time without getting any emails from you. You want to get them habituated to getting emails from you. If you go missing for weeks or even months at a time, you can become a “random stranger in the inbox”.

Many people will forget how they signed up for your list in the first place. They will see your email after a long gap and decide to unsubscribe. Even worse, they might mark you as a spammer.

Consider having a schedule

Scheduling is another strategy you can try in attempting to get that balance right. If you create a specific time and day of the week when you send out emails, you’re making it easier for yourself and your subscribers.

You’ll know that there’s a day in the week when an email should go out. This saves you the mental energy of having to decide when to do it. Your subscribers get used to this schedule and know at which time they should expect an email from you.

Tim Ferriss does something like this with his “5-bullet Friday” series. He has an email that goes out each Friday, and people are used to it. In fact, they look forward to getting that “Friday email from Tim”.

Note, each list and industry is different. All of these suggestions are “safe guidelines” that work quite well for most people. To find what’s optimal for you, however, look to the next tip.

Study your reports, learn what works

Here’s a little-known secret about email marketing: nobody can teach you what’s “best” for your email list. This is why high-quality email providers provide good analytic tools. They let you delve deep into what your readers are doing, so that you can find out what works well and what doesn’t.

You should study your email reports and learn what works.

You want to study those email reports and learn what works. Which topics do people respond to positively? When do they have a negative reaction? Is it because of what you’re sending them or how often you do it? If you take the time to study and experiment, you can learn to “feel the pulse” of your subscriber base.

Work on your list hygiene

As important as growing your email list is, keeping it in order is just as important. This is known as "list hygiene". It might sound "boring", but it actually affects you in a huge way.  

If you let your list "get dirty", it actually means your emails get less and less effective over time. You actually get less opens, fewer clicks and much less profits for every 1000 emails that you send. This is because over time, the list will accrue fake emails, honeypot emails, some of the subscribers will become inactive, etc.

Maintaining proper list hygiene means you can get as much as twice the results from your list. This is because of things like improved deliverability and reputation. But also because you're paying for sending emails that don't convert.

If you want to learn more about this, the Emercury blog has many tips on list hygiene and email deliverability. Furthermore, it's the only ESP that has list-hygiene included with every account, along with a deliverability manager.

Monetize your email list

The end goal of all types of marketing is producing profits. The same is true when it comes to email marketing. After you apply all the steps listed above, you'll actually want to learn how to best monetize. There are many quality ways of monetizing your email list, and you'll want to look into them.

But consider that we've gone out of the way to build the most effortless and easiest way to profit from your emails. Introducing AdMailr - an innovative platform that lets you sell ad-space inside of your emails. It uses technology that was crafted to make the process automatic.

You just have to configure a few settings, and the platform does the rest. It automatically places the ads in the positions most likely to create profit for you. Additionally, you get all the control you need in terms of what kind of ads can and cannot appear in your newsletter.

Give us a try today, it might just be the most important step you make in your email marketing endeavors.


 If you don’t have an email list, you’re leaving money on the table. That’s an indisputable fact. It doesn’t matter what your industry is. It doesn’t matter who your customers are. This is a universal fact. As a business, you always make more money with email lists than you do without.

Whether you already have an email list and are failing to tap into its full potential, or haven’t even started the list yet, keep reading. There are several quick and easy things you can implement today and see your profits increase immediately.

Consider setting up a tripwire

It sounds kind of sinister, but it’s just a cool hack that gets people used to buying from you. A “tripwire” is an easy-to-buy irresistible offer that subscribers get right after they sign up. You want it to have a great value-to-price ratio. Think of a product or service that could easily sell for $50, and offer it to new subscribers for just $7. This achieves many important goals.

The best trick to get your email subs to buy quick? Offer a super-valuable tripwire that gets them hooked on buying.Click To Tweet

First, it gets that subscriber used to clicking on your promotional link

The offer is so good, that they’re more likely to click on that link in your email that leads to the buy page. Even if they don’t purchase that super-valuable and cheap tripwire, it's now more likely that they will click on future links and offers.

Secondly, a high percentage of subscribers are in fact likely to buy this product

If you’re truly giving an amazing value, they would be crazy not to. So you get a high percentage of your subscribers used to the process of purchasing things from you or paying you for stuff.

Thirdly, you get to show off the quality of your purchase process and products

You want to really focus on making the entire process very professional. This will depend on what you’re selling, so we can’t go into every possible scenario, but let’s look at a random example.

Let’s say you're selling consultation services. You might charge hourly fees, but you’re willing to sell a 15-minute consultation for a very low price as a tripwire. You would want to make the purchase process extremely effortless.

People click on that buy button and are immediately redirected to a beautiful page that explains what happens next. They also immediately get an email confirming their purchase. Make them feel like they’ve bought something expensive, not something cheap.

You would then contact them personally, arrange that consultation and make sure that it’s a super high-quality experience. Give them a chance to see how good your service is when they buy the “real deal”. Leave them imagining how awesome it must be to get the "full service" if the tripwire is that good.

The most important thing is how you segment out the purchasers

If you’re using a quality email marketing solution, you should be able to do segmenting properly. Basically, the moment a subscriber buys that tripwire, your email marketing solution should immediately segment them out to a different segment or list - one that’s based around the idea that these are “buyers”. You can then treat them differently, send them more offers, different kinds of offers, etc.

In fact, the best thing would be to acknowledge their purchase of the tripwire. And then write a sequence that is based on this fact. Your wording and introduction of offers would be different. Something like “Since you liked [tripwire product], you’ll probably like this and that, and you might want to look into xyz”.

Send your subscribers offers they'd be interested in

Start to learn what subscribers really like, and then segment

When you have a quality ESP, this is easy. It should allow you to study the behaviors and preferences of your subscribers and adjust. Additionally, it should let you easily segment out subscribers by behavior.

Let’s get a bit more specific about this though. You might realize that the most important thing in marketing is to properly target potential customers. Trying to pitch the same offer to every person on the planet just means you'll go bankrupt fast. Different people need to be offered different things in different ways.

The first thing you want to do is study and understand subscribers

Part of this is a manual learning process. Send different kinds of offers, promote different kinds of services and discuss different kinds of topics. With a good reporting feature, you’ll be able to see what people react to.

You can study the open rates, the click rates, and whether subscribers forward certain emails. From this, you'll find out whether they like certain topics more than others; prefer different kinds of email structures, etc.

Then you want to automate that segmentation

Fortunately, when it comes to email marketing, this (can be) very easy, with the right tools at your disposal. If your email provider allows it, you should be able to set up different levels of automation.

You may create an automation where if a subscriber clicks on offer A, they get moved to the segment for people who are into those kinds of offers. Or you might design an automation based on open rates. If they open emails from a certain category (topic), they would be moved to a segment catering more to people into that topic.

All of this will improve your earnings

You will make more money off of your email lists if you treat people differently based on their differing preferences. This will also improve your email deliverability, which also increases your profits in the long run.

Stop pitching so much

It might sound paradoxical, but one of the easier ways to make more money is by focusing less on pitching offers. You want your free content to be more valuable and attractive. This will improve deliverability. It means more people will receive your emails and be exposed to your stuff. It will get subscribers to stick to your list longer, which also exposes them to more offers. This, in turn, increases their odds of buying.

If you focus less on pitching offers, you will eventually have more people buying from you

Ironically enough, if you push too many offers in the beginning, you sell less in the long run because people will soon unsubscribe. But if you’re more subtle, you will expose them to more offers in the long run. You need to find that balance. It’s easy if you do two things.

First, you have to change your focus

Shift to having the main focus on providing great value in your emails. Make the offers a secondary thing. In fact, you want the offers to be a logically flowing consequence of the free value you’re giving.

An example will probably illustrate this best: you have an email where you teach the subscriber to use a tripod in their photography. You focus on giving the best possible tips, and only then, in the end (in a logically flowing sequence), you recommend some tripods they could purchase.

This isn’t to say you can never have strictly promotional emails. You definitely can. But most of your emails need to be “newsletters” or “value giving emails” where the promotional part is a logical ending to a value giving email.

It’s okay to occasionally throw in strictly promotional emails. But you need to know how many of your emails will be strictly promotional. It's similar to how you watch the ratio in your regular emails, where you want to have many paragraphs of value before pitching something.

The same is true for the ratio of regular emails vs promotional emails. You need to have a sequence of several regular emails before you send out one promotional email.

Use the tools provided by your ESP to learn what works

You can’t educate yourself into having the optimal balance. You want to use the email reporting features in your email marketing software to learn what’s happening. Study the analytics, delve into the reports and “see what’s happening”. Tweak the frequency, experiment with more pitches, fewer pitches, and different ratios. With time, you will learn what works best.

No one can tell you what's optimal for your email list. Read the email reports and learn what works.Click To Tweet

Create your own product (if you don’t have one yet)

If you’re reading this guide because you already have products and services, but no email list, feel free to skip this section. Oh, and get that email list started today. If you’re in the opposite situation, i.e. you have email lists and aren’t pitching your own products yet, please consider that it might be time to do it.

A lot of people procrastinate on creating their own product because they falsely assume it has to be difficult. In fact, you might be here because you think that creating a product to pitch is difficult, so you’re looking for “an easy alternative”.

Yes, we all have that vision of the perfect product. But you don’t have to wait for perfection to get started. In fact, that’s why as businesses we can have different price points and create products that meet different needs.

Focus on creating products that meet different needs

If you’re mostly making money through affiliate marketing and offering other people’s products, here’s a quick trick. You can create a “mini product” that fills in a gap left by the affiliate product you’re promoting. It can be very easy to create a simple product that only solves a single issue or need.

And consider this, the people on your lists like you. They won’t be judgmental or think badly of you if you create an imperfect product. Especially if, as we said, it’s a supplement to the third-party products you’re promoting as an affiliate.

Oh, and of course, a lot of this will depend on your specific niche or industry. It might be a physical product, a digital download, or perhaps in your case, the “product” can actually be a service that you provide. Perhaps you can offer paid consultations or any sort of service.

Consider offering a paid email subscription

If your subscribers like your content, you should offer them even better content for a monthly fee. You can create great, helpful content and make money out of it.

Actually, you have to prepare content that they feel they truly need. It should leave them satisfied and anticipating each next email in that “paid subscribers only” sequence. They need to feel like they’re getting their money’s worth.

You can Make More Money with Email Lists if you make sure your subscribers are getting their money's worth

Also, it needs to be exclusive content. It should be content that you don’t put anywhere else. This means you can’t pass off your old posts as paid content because they can easily cancel the subscription. Naturally, you don’t want to recycle your paid content and just copy-paste it into a future blog post. Your subscribers will notice this and feel cheated.

Monetize your email newsletters automatically

This is probably the single easiest way to make more money from your email lists. What if you could install a money-making mechanism in your newsletters that ran on auto-pilot? 

Fortunately, this exists and it is called AdMailr. Our ad-serving platform for newsletters makes the entire process effortless for you. All you have to do is perform the quick sign up and you can get started in no time.

Our platform will automatically display the best ads from the right advertisers in the most optimal spots within your newsletter.

And if you really want to make great profits and keep those readers happy at the same time, consider the fact that we're now serving native advertising inside of newsletters. This increases your revenue from ads while improving your relationship with email subscribers at the same time.


Lead generation is essential for business, that’s a given. But this doesn’t just mean generating a lot of leads. What you need are ways to get more quality leads and increase conversion.

You're probably putting a lot of time and effort into lead generation. But if you’re still failing to get promising leads, it’s time to reassess your tactics.

The quantity of your leads irrelevant if they're not the kind who will convert. #lead-qualityClick To Tweet

As is often said, change is the only constant in business. The ability to adapt to market changes and capitalize on them is key to business growth. When it comes to your lead generation tactics, you have to be smart, creative and flexible. Let us look at a couple of things that may be undermining your efforts to generate quality leads.

1. Your website is not optimized for lead generation

Your website can be a potent lead generator. But it has to be carefully designed and maintained. If your site is failing to generate leads, you’re not doing something right.

Is your website keeping up with time? Design is important, so don’t go for a generic or outdated look. Make it attractive and unique.

Keep your registration forms simple, with a few qualifying questions. If you make the process too complicated, people are likely to abandon it.

Include a toll-free number beside the registration form.  Some of your visitors may be ready to buy immediately. In this case, conversation with a knowledgeable support agent can speed up conversion.

Website to Get Quality Leads

Don’t neglect the importance of search engine optimization. The purpose of SEO is to drive traffic to your site by increasing its search ranking. It makes it easier for people to find you by matching your content to their online searches.

To attract prospects, you need to identify the right keywords for your SEO campaigns. Use high search volume, high relevance and low competition as keyword defining criteria.

Keywords aside, remember to make your content attractive and educational. Post frequently to keep the content fresh and maintain good SEO ranking. Write your content with your audience in mind. Think helpful and relevant.

2.   Your sales and marketing teams work separately

Allowing this to happen will result in a leaky sales process and loss of revenue. Generating quality leads and closing sales must be a joint effort.

Despite the difference in functions, both teams need to be fully aligned. This includes their goals, strategic approach, access to data, metrics, and accountability.

collaborate to get better leads

In practice, disagreements and underrating of each other’s roles happens often. Marketing people are more analytical. They base their decisions on data and stats. They keep their focus on future trends and the competition.  Sales teams are focused on closing the sale and addressing customer needs.

Lack of interdepartmental cooperation inevitably creates frustration, conflict, and ultimately poor outcomes.

As a business owner, your job is to ensure both teams function together. Their relationship should be clearly defined so they can work in sync.

Sales teams gather valuable prospect data that marketing can use in lead generation strategies. Encourage them to talk about their processes and objectives and to plan together. This includes lead definition, marketing campaigns, advertising material, content, landing pages and more.

3.   You’re not a fan of blogs and social media

Media diversity is key to good lead generation. Spread your efforts across multiple channels to find out which ones are best for your business.

Social media are a powerful marketing tool. Granted, it’s a bit difficult to quantify their contribution in terms of ROI. But they do deserve a place in your marketing strategy.

If you're not utilizing blogs and social media, you don't really have an 'internet marketing strategy'.Click To Tweet

Social networks help foster relationships with prospects and customers. They can also be effectively used to generate leads and increase conversion rates.

use social media for quality leads

People spend huge amounts of time on social media, far more than they interact face to face. This gives you an opportunity to engage your target audience and turn them into leads.

Of course, you need to choose the right social network for your business. Facebook would seem like the first choice, due to the massive user base. Still, for B2B and B2C LinkedIn appears to be the most effective lead generator. Traffic from LinkedIn generates the highest visitor to lead conversion rates.

Don’t forget the importance of blogging. Blogs boost your online presence, help you attract visitors and stimulate conversions. Your blog can be a place where people can read about their concerns and find solutions to their problems. Your posts should portray you as knowledgeable, competent and helpful. An active blog can also do wonders for brand promotion.

4.   You’re overlooking the importance of email marketing

Email marketing is powerful. It’s also easy on time and resources. As a  targeted marketing tactic, it helps you segment your audience for lead generation and nurturing. You can do it by demographics, location, behavior, lead status and more. This way you can create customized campaigns with the right content for their needs.

Delivering useful content on a regular basis will help you create a relationship of trust. It will also increase brand awareness. Above all, email marketing is easy to track, allowing you to measure your campaign success.

email marketing is easy to track

So, are you ready to give email marketing a go? Emercury’s email marketing solution is just what you need. And don’t worry if you’re completely new to this approach. The platform is super easy to master. You’ll have your first marketing campaign up and running in no time.

Emercury offers real-time stats on delivery rates, subscriber retention, bounces, complaints and unsubscribes. And knowing what your audience responds to will help you fine-tune your future campaigns.

5.   Your marketing tactics belong in the past

Times are changing, learn to roll with them. There are several old habits that will likely cost you leads if you insist on relying on them.

Trade shows are not the best place to generate leads. Nowadays, people do their pre-purchase research online and already know what they want. Not to mention the costs of setting up the display, organization, and travel.

The company-centered marketing approach no longer works. Billboards, TV commercials and print ads are losing power. 

It takes a lot of resources to plan, design and execute traditional advertising campaigns

Without the ability to collect data and set metrics, you can’t measure campaign success. There's no way to know if your efforts generated leads or revenue.

People spend way more time in front of digital devices than they do watching TV or reading a paper.

Traditional marketing puts the brand in the spotlight, not the consumer. On the other hand, as users become more tech-savvy, their understanding of the market increases. So do their expectations.

To get quality leads, you have to abandon those traditional ways

It's time to let go of strategies that haven't worked in a long time and enter the era of relationship-driven marketing. This novel form of marketing places the main emphasis on customer satisfaction and retention.

As a major player in this new league, native advertising is gaining momentum fast. It’s one of the best ways to generate leads and promote trust and engagement.

Unlike traditional display ads and banners, native ads are subtle by design. They don’t scream for attention or disrupt the user experience. Instead, they naturally blend into the surrounding content.

In fact, native ads are twice as likely to be shared and looked at than banner ads. Due to the higher viewing rates, they increase engagement and conversion.

Placing native ads into someone else’s newsletter is an effective lead generation tactic. In essence, you reap the benefits of an active relationship between your target audience and the publisher.

Of course, to be noticed and acted upon, your native ads must find their way to the right newsletter. But how can you ensure the best placement every time?

Enter Admailr, the best solution for native ad placement. Admailr makes it easy to reach your target audience. Just place your native ad into the Admailr UI and set the type of campaign, parameters, and budget. Then, let Admailr work its magic and find the perfect placement every time.