When it comes to making money online, email marketing is still king. In fact, it works better than ever. Business owners that do not incorporate email marketing in their way of doing business are losing out - big time.
And in fact, why does it work better than ever? This is actually quite simple. Email marketing is the best way to build a relationship with your current and potential (future) customers. This has always been a tremendous benefit. People are more likely to buy from someone they trust and have a connection with.
Email marketing has always been king, but with relationship-driven trends, its importance has grown even further.Click To TweetToday, however, this is becoming more important than ever. Traditional intrusive marketing is killing itself. People are becoming immune to direct advertising. Nowadays, it looks like a relationship-driven approach is becoming your only choice. In a word, if you’re not utilizing email marketing, you’re leaving a ton of money on the table.
There is a way of getting all these cool benefits while piggybacking on the relationship that someone else has built. This is where native ads come into play. A native ad is basically an ad that appears in a publication alongside its regular content.
It looks indistinguishable from the regular editorial content (it doesn’t look or feel like an ad). In that way, you get all the trust those readers already have for this publisher. You get all the benefits of that relationship, without having to build it yourself.
Native ads are the fastest way to tap into the power of relationship-driven marketing. Now available in emails.Click To TweetNative ads are typically recognized as something you place on a website. But AdMailr is here to change that. Nothing builds a quality relationship the way email marketing does. So why not have native ads inside of emails?
With Admailr, now you can. We've built a truly amazing platform that lets you easily get your ads inside of popular newsletters. You just write your native ad (or traditional display ad), and our system automatically finds the best places to insert it. You do get all the control you need, as you can choose from many targeting options. To learn more or get started, just check out our front page.
Sure, you can use AdMailr to place ads in someone else’s emails. And you should start leveraging this amazing opportunity as soon as possible. But you also want to combine this option with running your own email list. A smart business is one that combines both strategies.
Basically, you want to build your own relationships and leverage other people’s relationships. AdMailr actually helps with both sides of the coin. But more on that later. For now, let’s look at what you need to know about getting started with doing your own email marketing.
It should be obvious, but you need to first identify a quality email provider. Fortunately, over at Emercury, we offer one of the most generous free plans when it comes to email marketing. You can sign up today and start experimenting with even the most advanced email marketing features.
But whichever provider you choose, make sure to learn how it works. Emercury offers a great knowledge base and tutorials for example.
It's important to strike that balance of paying enough attention to detail versus doing too much too soon. For example, it's important to study your email reports and analyze your open rates. But if you have 12 subscribers, it might be a tad too soon for that.
It's never too soon to start learning, though, especially about things like list hygiene and email deliverability. So make sure to study these things as you go along. The emercury blog has plenty of free learning materials on email marketing.
You know what's the worst way to ask people for their email? Say "sign up for our list" and offer no further reasons why they should do it. Even if you have super-enthusiastic followers, most will not sign up without being given a reason why. And that's just in terms of your raving fans.
Without a 'reason why', most people will skip giving you their email address. This even includes your raving fans.Click To TweetIf you want to get the most people to sign up, even people randomly stumbling on your website, you need to learn about incentives, i.e. promising people something of value in exchange for their email address.
Here are a couple of popular incentive-based approaches
So, in summary: You need to identify some "great reasons why" people should sign up to your list in general. You can outline these reasons under your general sign-up form. But additionally, you want to create additional incentivized reasons that encourage people to give you their email address. This will take some experimentation, but over time you will discover great incentives that fill your list with new subscribers.
One of the cornerstones of a successful relationship with your subscribers is trust and integrity. Being a good writer allows you to become an authority in the eyes of your readers. So you definitely want to focus on mastering this skill.
When it comes to email marketing though, you want to pay special attention to develop a casual tone. You want your emails to feel personal. Almost as if they were written for each participant individually.
If you get a lot of people hitting reply and responding to your automated emails as if it were a personal email, you're doing it right. And if you haven't gotten such responses yet, work on your craft until you do.
Sending emails seems straightforward, but there’s always a catch. You don’t want to send too many emails and seem needy or desperate.
If you send one today, don’t send another one tomorrow. The exception to this rule is if you specifically had people sign up for something like this. Perhaps you offer a “7-day course” and people will get an email every day in the next seven days.
But if people are signing up for a general email list, as a general rule, two or three times a week is about right. Alternatively, “an email every couple of days” is also a good "starting guideline" to follow.
Never have a subscriber that goes a long period of time without getting any emails from you. You want to get them habituated to getting emails from you. If you go missing for weeks or even months at a time, you can become a “random stranger in the inbox”.
Many people will forget how they signed up for your list in the first place. They will see your email after a long gap and decide to unsubscribe. Even worse, they might mark you as a spammer.
Scheduling is another strategy you can try in attempting to get that balance right. If you create a specific time and day of the week when you send out emails, you’re making it easier for yourself and your subscribers.
You’ll know that there’s a day in the week when an email should go out. This saves you the mental energy of having to decide when to do it. Your subscribers get used to this schedule and know at which time they should expect an email from you.
Tim Ferriss does something like this with his “5-bullet Friday” series. He has an email that goes out each Friday, and people are used to it. In fact, they look forward to getting that “Friday email from Tim”.
Note, each list and industry is different. All of these suggestions are “safe guidelines” that work quite well for most people. To find what’s optimal for you, however, look to the next tip.
Here’s a little-known secret about email marketing: nobody can teach you what’s “best” for your email list. This is why high-quality email providers provide good analytic tools. They let you delve deep into what your readers are doing, so that you can find out what works well and what doesn’t.
You want to study those email reports and learn what works. Which topics do people respond to positively? When do they have a negative reaction? Is it because of what you’re sending them or how often you do it? If you take the time to study and experiment, you can learn to “feel the pulse” of your subscriber base.
As important as growing your email list is, keeping it in order is just as important. This is known as "list hygiene". It might sound "boring", but it actually affects you in a huge way.
If you let your list "get dirty", it actually means your emails get less and less effective over time. You actually get less opens, fewer clicks and much less profits for every 1000 emails that you send. This is because over time, the list will accrue fake emails, honeypot emails, some of the subscribers will become inactive, etc.
Maintaining proper list hygiene means you can get as much as twice the results from your list. This is because of things like improved deliverability and reputation. But also because you're paying for sending emails that don't convert.
If you want to learn more about this, the Emercury blog has many tips on list hygiene and email deliverability. Furthermore, it's the only ESP that has list-hygiene included with every account, along with a deliverability manager.
The end goal of all types of marketing is producing profits. The same is true when it comes to email marketing. After you apply all the steps listed above, you'll actually want to learn how to best monetize. There are many quality ways of monetizing your email list, and you'll want to look into them.
But consider that we've gone out of the way to build the most effortless and easiest way to profit from your emails. Introducing AdMailr - an innovative platform that lets you sell ad-space inside of your emails. It uses technology that was crafted to make the process automatic.
You just have to configure a few settings, and the platform does the rest. It automatically places the ads in the positions most likely to create profit for you. Additionally, you get all the control you need in terms of what kind of ads can and cannot appear in your newsletter.
Give us a try today, it might just be the most important step you make in your email marketing endeavors.
As a business owner, you always want to get more customers. Ideally, these should be people who are passionate and excited about your product or service. Let’s look at the best ways to accomplish this in 2018.
7 Bulletproof Ways to Get More Customers in 2018 #EmailMarketingClick To TweetYou’ve probably heard this advice too many times to even care about it. But chances are you’re not applying it to the fullest. To get more customers, you have to differentiate.
From what we’ve seen, most businesses get this wrong in one of two ways. You might spend a lot of time making a product that is genuinely different than the competition. But then you fail to make that distinction clear in your marketing.
Alternatively, your marketing department might claim you are unique and different, but your feature set is identical to any random competitor out there.
Invest in both marketing differentiation and product differentiation. It is obvious you need help from marketers to improve your marketing. They can help you craft your marketing message in such a way that it makes you appear different (and better) than the competition.
But how do you know which product or service features will get you noticed? Simply “looking different” by having a distinctive marketing message is not enough. You also need to differentiate yourself by the actual feature set.
So how do you know which features to work on in order to attract more customers? The common sense answer might be to ask the employees who build the product. For example, if it’s a software product, ask the software engineers. Right? Wrong!
Even when it comes to building or developing a product, the market is key. You need to do your market research to know which features would differentiate you in a beneficial way. Let’s use the software example again. Your engineers might believe that Feature B is what differentiates you in a positive way. The average customer, however, might not care all that much about this feature.
Obviously, you don’t want to go too far in the other direction either. You can’t have the market researchers just make all the decisions without consulting the engineers. It has to be a collaborative effort.
7 Bulletproof Ways to Get More Customers in 2017...Differentiate your Product @Admailr #EmailMarketing #AdvertisingClick To TweetThat’s not a typo. We’re talking about the past on purpose. If you want more customers in 2017, you need to look back on your marketing in 2016. You need to do a serious analysis. Be a harsh and tough critic on yourself.
Try to find out which tactics were a waste of time, and which ones could have been applied better. You need to have clear data on which marketing tactics showed results and which didn’t.
Also, you need to find out which of your actions converted leads into customers. Find out whether the right customers were being reached and if you were any good at keeping your customers. With today’s analytics tools it’s quite easy to get a hold of this information.
A lacking call to action (CTA) is one of the most common marketing mistakes. If you go around and look at the marketing of most small businesses, you’ll find something interesting. In many cases, they can double or triple their sales by just crafting a good CTA.
It is surprising how often a business will have an amazing product, but fail to ask the customer to take action. Don’t let your visitors miss out on your great products and services due to a technicality.
Do you want your competitors to get more customers just because they have a stronger CTA? How would you feel if people passed on your product and went to an inferior competitor - just because of their bolder marketing?
You should be using CTA elements to guide people along every step of your marketing funnel. Let’s look at an example where you get leads into your funnel through content marketing.
You want to first direct people to read your content by saying Read this article now to learn the 7 ways to XYZ. Then, the article would have several calls to action, depending on the next step in your funnel.
If your next step is having people sign up for your product announcement list, craft good CTA elements for that. You want to scatter different CTA elements throughout the article. Have some of them asking the reader to sign up for that product announcement list.
There are also some other uses for CTA elements that you should consider. For example, you want to make sure to ask people to share your stuff. Ask for likes, shares, reviews and ratings.
Have you ever noticed that all the top ranking apps on your smartphone ask you for a review? That’s not a coincidence. Those who have the courage to call to action get ahead in the marketplace. This is true in any industry.
7 Bulletproof Ways to Get More Customers in 2017...Have the Right CALL to Action @Admailr #EmailMarketing #AdvertiseClick To TweetThe better your targeting, the higher your profits. It might sound like a bold claim, but it’s absolutely true. If you’re targeting “everyone”, you’re actually targeting no-one.
You want to create a detailed profile of the ideal customer. This means figuring out what type of person is most likely to need and love your product. Who is most likely to appreciate what you do? The more thoroughly you specify the attributes of your ideal customer, the better.
Now, this topic alone can fill an entire semester in a university, so we can’t go into it too much. But if you want help with this, consider enlisting the help of marketing experts.
If you’re not using email marketing, you’re missing out on the marketing strategy with the single highest return. In the long-run, nothing comes even close to giving you the benefits of having an email list full of adoring fans.
Once you build your list, there are countless ways to monetize your email list. This includes subscription-based newsletters, promoting others' non-competing products for a commission, selling your services and products and so much more.
And when it comes to building hype for a new product launch, nothing beats email marketing. Social media marketing does a good job, but email marketing is still the king of product launches. Also, this applies equally to launching new features for existing products and services.
If you're considering starting up an email list, it's always the right time. You can start small. Don't wait until "you have the time to dedicated yourself to email marketing". Fortunately, Emercury offers a 100% free plan!
This is our way of helping you avoid procrastination. We want to help you get started today. It's ok to start small, we give you all of the features and won't charge a penny until your list grows above a certain size.
Every day that goes by without you asking leads to sign up for your list, is another day where you're robbing from your future self.
7 Bulletproof Ways to Get More Customers in 2017...Use Email Marketing @Admailr #EmailMarketing #AdvertisingClick To TweetConsider implementing a referral program. Chances are many of your best customers were referred by a raving fan. Why not reward those fans for sending you people? You can do this by implementing a referral program? If you advertise it well enough, this program can boost your sales. It will also give you an opportunity to connect with your best customers and keep them around for a long time.
Traditional ads are dying, and it’s not a slow death. Relationship driven marketing is taking over. To get more customers than your competitor, you have to evolve faster. The landscape is changing, and those who are quick to adopt relationship-driven marketing will reap the rewards.
While there are many different types of relationship-driven marketing, many of them take a lot of time to implement. Things like content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing take a while to build up.
But what if there was a way to get the immediacy of PPC advertising and all the benefits of relationship-driven marketing? There is a way to do this with native ads.
For those who don’t know - a native ad is an advertisement that follows the natural form of the medium in which it is placed. In other words, it resembles the regular content of that medium. It doesn’t stick out as a traditional display ad or banner would.
7 Bulletproof Ways to Get More Customers in 2017...Utilize the Power of Native Ads @Admailr #NativeAdvertising Click To TweetWe’ve worked really hard to come up with a solution that represents the future of customer acquisition. We are combining the power of three extremely powerful lead-generation tactics in one powerful strategy.
Three Powerful Ways to Get More Customers |
PPC-precision targeting |
Drip (email) marketing |
Native advertising |
All of this power can be within your grasp today. Admailr is a revolutionary new platform where you can start using native ads right away. Your ads will be placed in email newsletters. These are emails coming from someone who has a deep relationship with the reader.
And your native ad will be right there, in the middle of that email’s regular content, but in a way where it gets the same trust as their regular newsletter content.
Admailr lets you set up your ads and campaigns in a way you’re used to with PPC advertising. You can set up targeting, budgeting and other preferences. Our system then intelligently chooses where to place these ads for the best impact.
3 Powerful Ways to Get More Customers...PPC Precision Targeting, Drip EmailMarketing, NativeAdvertising @Admailr Click To TweetYou can start experimenting with Admailr’s exciting features whenever you want. Just head on over to the free signup page and get your free account.
What are some ways you are getting more customers in 2017? Let me know in the comments and please share this article if you found it valuable 😉