When it comes to getting higher newsletter click throughs, the answer is a matter of common sense: just send out newsletters that people would want to open and read. Of course, the real difficulty lies in knowing just exactly what kind of newsletter people want, or what you can do to make your newsletter attractive to prospective readers.
Many novice marketers stumble when it comes to this part, because they are under the impression that there’s no way to know every single one of their thousands of subscribers, so they won’t be able to find out what which one wants and how they can write a newsletter that would appeal to everyone (or at least the majority).
This is a self-defeating way of thinking. It’s true that the sheer number of people on an average list means that the preferences and tastes you’d have to deal with are varied to the extremes. However, social psychology has already proven that there are general principles you can follow in order to give the majority what they want, giving you impressive open and clickthrough rates. Here are a few of them: (more…)