There are a lot of potential sales that go to waste during a normal transaction, particularly for most stores that rely on volume. For example, out of 100 people who visit an online store by chance (usually through random search engine strings or through random banner ads,) there is a big chance that only 10 people will actually buy. The remaining 90 will not only go away, there’s a big chance that they won’t bookmark the site and will not return even when they are in the mood for buying. Without retargeting, those 90 people and the potential sales they could bring are wasted.
What is Retargetting?
Retargetting, as the name implies, is basically a way to get those non-converting customers to come back when they’re ready to buy, or at least to remind them that your services and products are available when they are ready to buy. There are a number of ways to retarget lost customers but one of the most effective ones is a newsletter.
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An email newsletter is easily one of the most powerful and cost-effective marketing tool a small business can have. An email newsletter will help small businesses drive traffic to their website, connect with customers, and build more awareness for their brand and company but unlike traditional marketing channels, you can do it without spending thousands of dollars.
However, before your business gets to enjoy those things, you first need to have an effective newsletter. For all its benefits and advantages, a low quality newsletter will be a waste of time, money, and opportunity. So in order to avoid the unenviable position of having a newsletter that nobody reads, you need to follow these 6 email newsletter best practices for small businesses:
First, Craft an Effective Subject Line
If your subject line isn’t effective, it’s pretty much the end of the line. Your email newsletter will never be read if it fails to catch the attention of the user. There is a reason why copywriters are taught how to put all of their creativity when writing headlines – because that’s the first thing that a reader will see, and it’s going to be the deciding factor on whether the article will be read or ignored. The same thing applies to email newsletters.
Now, there’s no single guideline on what kind of subject line will be effective. It will vary depending on your target demographic and your niche, but try to study it a little bit and find out the right kind of words that will get the attention of your readers. One rule of thumb is that you have to avoid being flagged as spam, so avoid subject lines containing words that are associated with spam and make sure the subject line is related to the contents. (more…)