Cancel my Publisher account


If you wanted to close your account because you no longer need the service or other reasons you may cancel your account inside the panel. Click 'Preferences' and select 'Cancel My Account'.



Click 'YES' to cancel your account, otherwise click 'NO'.


Enter the reason for your cancellation and hit 'SUBMIT'


As a publisher you can check your earnings found in the DASHBOARD OVERVIEW. In the Estimated Earnings you will see the summary of your payment from last month to present.  Finalized Earnings shows your current balance and is ready for withdrawal. You can click details to further see the payout status.




To login to your account simply click the 'LOG IN' button in the upper right hand corner of the page.


To login to your Publisher Account click 'Log in for Publishers' button. If you have no account click Register Here.

Enter your username and password you used when you registered your account. Hit the 'SIGN IN' button to continue. If you forgot your password click Forgot Password and enter your email address. You will receive an email  that you requested a password recovery to your account on Admailr. Click the link in the email to confirm. Use "preferences / Login Info" to set new password.


To login to your Advertisers Account click 'Log In for Advertisers' button. If you have no account click Register Here.


Enter your username and password you used when you registered your account. Hit the 'Login' button to continue. If you forgot your password click Forgot Password and enter your email address. You will receive an email that you requested a password recovery to your account on Admailr. Click the link in the email to confirm. Use "preferences / Login Info" to set new password.


To connect with your ESP, click 'REPORTS' and select an 'ESP'. Choose your ESP to connect with and click the button associated to to it. In this example we select Constant Contact.

'Connect with' is an optional feature. It uses ESP's APi to get statistics from your  account. This is not something mandatory for using publisher panel. It just gives you more details of your ESP statistic.


It will ask for your Constant Contact account information to connect to Admailr and click the 'Log In' button. From there you will see the details reports from your chosen ESP with the date, sends, clicks on banners, opened banners and earnings.







In order to become a Publisher you must send newsletters. To get started be sure to click the link and fill in the necessary information. Click the link 'Fill in your mailing address and tax form' to continue.


You are required to enter your physical mailing address, tax forms and confirm your mailing address.


Category Management - Choosing the right categories to show on your newsletter. Click 'CUSTOMIZED' select 'CATEGORY' and select the categories you like and hit 'SAVE'.


Keyword Management - Choose keywords you do not want to show in your advertisement. Click 'CUSTOMIZE' select 'KEYWORD' choose keywords that you want to filter in your campaign. Separate keywords with commas and hit 'SAVE'.


Select an ESP on how to create a banner code and paste this in your newsletter. If your ESP is not listed please contact us through chat.

Note: Turn around time for approval on campaigns is 24 hours.


Constant Contact

Active Campaign










There are 3 easy steps to register an account for publisher. To begin click the 'LOGIN' button up at the top. Below the login for Publishers click the ‘Register Here‘ to continue.
Step1. Enter your information and when done click 'REGISTER'

Step 2. You will see this notification to check your email to confirm. If you have not receive the email confirmation you may click the link to resend the activation email.

Click the  'Confirm your email' to continue.

Step 3. In the Account Activation section enter your desired username and password, company name and phone number and click 'COMPLETE ACCOUNT'

After clicking you will be redirected to your publisher account and enter your physical mailing address, tax forms and verifying your mailing address.





Open up a browser and type in and click 'LOG IN' button.


Click the 'Log In for Publishers' button.


Enter your Publisher login and password and hit 'SIGN IN'.


Click 'CREATE' and select 'ORDERS'.  Type in the Name of your order, select 'ActiveCampaign' and click 'CREATE ORDER'.


You will see a pop up 'Order created successfully'. Select the banner size you want and each banner you select it will generate a unique code. Copy the code inside the box and place this in ActiveCampaign HTML version in WYSIWYG.


Login to your ActiveCampaign account  and create a campaign and  paste the code in the Code editor, and save it. When finished you can preview the banner and in the banner there is a place holder and it will change to a real ad once delivered to the recipient.


Here are examples of our banner sizes.



Open up a browser and type in and click 'LOG IN' button.


Click the 'Log In for Publishers' button


Enter your Publisher login and password and hit 'SIGN IN'.


Click 'CREATE' and select 'ORDERS'.  Type in the Name of your order, select Emercury and click 'CREATE ORDER'.



You will see a pop up 'Order created successfully'. Select the banner size you want and each banner you select it will generate a unique code. Copy the code inside the box and place this in Emercury HTML version in WYSIWYG.


Login to your Emercury account  and create a campaign and  paste the code in the HTML editor , click the source and save it. When finished you can preview the banner and in the banner there is a place holder and it will change to a real ad once delivered to the recipient.


Here are examples of our banner sizes.


Open up a browser and type in and click 'LOG IN' button.


Click the 'Log In for Publishers' button.


Enter your Publisher login and password and hit 'SIGN IN'.


Click 'CREATE' and select 'ORDERS'.  Type in the Name of your order, select Madmimi and click 'CREATE ORDER'.


You will see a pop up 'Order created successfully'. Select the banner size you want and each banner you select it will generate a unique code. Copy the code inside the box and place this in MadMimi HTML version in WYSIWYG.


Login to your Madmimi account and create a campaign and  paste the code in the Custom HTML and save it. When finished you can preview the banner and in the banner there is a place holder and it will change to a real ad once delivered to the recipient.


Here are examples of our banner sizes.




Open up a browser and type in and click 'LOG IN' button.


Click the 'Log In for Publishers' button.


Enter your Publisher login and password and hit 'SIGN IN'.


Click 'CREATE' and select 'ORDERS'.  Type in the Name of your order, select iContact and click 'CREATE ORDER'.


You will see a pop up 'Order created successfully'. Select the banner size you want and each banner you select it will generate a unique code. Copy the code inside the box and place this in iContact HTML version in WYSIWYG.


Login to your iContact account and create a campaign and  paste the code in the HTML editor and save it. When finished you can preview the banner and in the banner there is a place holder and it will change to a real ad once delivered to the recipient.


Here are examples of our banner sizes.


Open up a browser and type in and click 'LOG IN' button.


Click the 'Log In for Publishers' button.


Enter your Publisher login and password and hit 'SIGN IN'.


Click 'CREATE' and select 'ORDERS'.  Type in the Name of your order, select Mailchimp and click 'CREATE ORDER'.


You will see a pop up 'Order created successfully'. Select the banner size you want and each banner you select it will generate a unique code. Copy the code inside the box and place this in Mailchimp HTML version in WYSIWYG.


Login to your Mailchimp account and create a campaign and  paste the code in the </>, and save it. When finished you can preview the banner and in the banner there is a place holder and it will change to a real ad once delivered to the recipient.


Here are examples of our banner sizes.