Creating an Order (Private Marketplace)


Note: This article applies to the Admailr Private Marketplace Only

Click 'create' and select 'ORDERS' and hit 'CREATE NEW ORDER'.

In the order settings enter the information required. When done hit 'ADD NEW CAMPAIGN'.

  • Name - enter the name for this order
  • Select ESP-  field selection is needed because each esp has its own code for placing the ads. NOTE: If you don't see your ESP please let us know and we will add it.
  • Select type of code Options
    Public - all active public ads from all advertisers in the system will take place in rotation.
    Private - active private ads from selected campaigns will take place in rotation.
    Both - first system works as "Private". Once all campaigns are finished (by schedule or impressions limit), spot switches to "Public" type

In adding a new campaign enter the information required and hit 'SAVE' when done.

  • Campaign Name - enter the campaign name
  • CPM  - cost per 1000 impressions
  • Impressions Limit - Max amount of impressions for this campaign
  • Start/End dates - Select the date you want this ad to run and to end. You can select to start immediately and no end date for your campaign
  • Select the banner image

Upon Save you will be brought back to the Private Campaigns screen where you will see either a green or blue status circle. Green means the campaign is "RUNNING" and blue means it is "Scheduled for a Future Date" . If you see a red circle it means the campaign is Paused. You can unpause a campaign by selecting the campaign and choosing "RUN CAMPAIGN"




Note: This article applies to the Admailr Private Marketplace Only

  • Access your Publisher's panel and create a Private Campaign that will include the Private ads made in the Advertiser's account.
  • Click 'CREATE' and select 'PRIVATE CAMPAIGNS' and hit 'CREATE NEW CAMPAIGN'.

  • Enter the Campaign Name (Similar to Line Item Name)
  • Enter the CPM for this Campaign (CPM = Cost Per 1000 Impressions)
  • Enter the Impressions Limit (Impressions are how many times it will be viewed)
  • Enter the Start/End dates. You can set this to immediately or no end date
  • Select banner(s) that will be used for this campaign.
  • Click Save to finish

Note: The banners will only show up if they are running in the Advertiser account. They are not visible if they are paused in the Advertiser account. We do this so you can pause a banner without having to update the generated tag code in the newsletter you will see later on.

  •  Upon Save you will be brought back to the Private Campaigns screen where you will see either a green or blue status circle. Green means the campaign is "RUNNING" and blue means it is "Scheduled for a Future Date" . If you see a red circle it means the campaign is Paused. You can unpause a campaign by selecting the campaign and choosing "RUN CAMPAIGN"




Note: This article applies to the Admailr Private Marketplace Only

  • Login to your Advertiser account and create a banner ad for your private campaigns for use in your publisher account. Click 'MANAGE' select 'CAMPAIGNS' and click 'NEW AD CAMPAIGN.

  • Create an advertiser name
  • Create a campaign name
  • Choose Private for visibility
  • Campaign Type image ad is auto selected and hit 'CREATE' button.

  • In Step 2, choose the banner size you want to upload either via Upload image from your pc or Path to image (enter the Img path and find image) and hit 'UPLOAD' .
  • Enter your Destination URL - This is where the recipient will be redirected when he clicks on the banner also known as Landing Page URL or Link.
  • Select your Targeting Devices :ALL, mobile android or mobile ios or all mobile.
  • Use GEO: this is for GEO targetting. If selected this will allow you to limit the banner visibility to the locations entered. In this example zip code 08876 is entered which is in Somerville NJ.
  • When done hit 'SAVE'. Upon save a pop up message will be displayed 'Your Private Ads have been saved successfully. It is available in the Publisher account.'

  • After saving your campaign you will get an email notification that your campaign is ready to go.



What is the Admailr Private Marketplace?

The Admailr Private Marketplace allows publishers (content owners, newsletters owners) to manage their ad orders within email publications/newsletters. 

Note: Publishers have to link their Admailr Advertiser account with their Admailr Publisher account in order to see their own Private Marketplace options.


  • Admailr Advertiser Account. If you don't have one click here to register
  • Admailr Publisher Account. If you don't have one click here to register

Note: This article applies to the Admailr Private Marketplace Only

Connect Advertiser with Publisher

  • Login to your Publisher account, and in the dashboard click 'Preferences' and select 'CONNECT ADVERTISER'


  • Enter the email address of the Advertiser account you are linking to and hit 'CONNECT'.

Note: If you will see a pop up 'No advertiser with this email address.' you may need to register an Advertiser account in order to set up Public Marketplace.

Note: An Advertiser account is needed to upload your creatives to tie to your orders. These creatives will only be seen by the publisher account linked on this page.

  • Once you enter the email address of your Advertiser account a 'Confirmation email' will be sent to verify ownership. The email notification will have the subject "Connection with Publisher's account" just click the link and it will redirect you to the Advertiser login page and enter the login information required.

  • If you have not received any confirmation to the email address entered and you are sure the email address is correct, then please check your spam folder or click 'RESEND' to have the confirmation email resent. 

  • Upon approval from the Advertiser the publisher will receive a notice as shown below to inform you that the connection has been approved and you can now login to your publisher account to start creating your "Orders"


  • After a successful login you will see a pop up screen that says 'You have successfully connected with Publisher'
  • You will also get a notification to your advertiser email address.
  • Finally You will see a green check mark if you have successfully linked your publisher to the advertiser account.

Note:In case you want to unlink or disconnect your advertiser account simply hit 'UNLINK ADVERSTISER'S ACCOUNT'


What is the Admailr Private Marketplace?

The Admailr Private Marketplace allows publishers (content owners, newsletters owners) to manage their ad orders within email publications/newsletters. 

Note: Publishers have to link their Admailr Advertiser account with their Admailr Publisher account in order to see their own Private Marketplace options.


  • Admailr Advertiser Account. If you don't have one click here to register
  • Admailr Publisher Account. If you don't have one click here to register

How do I set  up my Private Marketplace?

Prerequisites: Publisher Account Linked to Advertiser Account

Creating Private Ads in the Advertiser's account

  • Login to your Advertiser account and create a banner ad for your private campaigns for use in your publisher account. Click 'MANAGE' select 'CAMPAIGNS'.
  • Create a campaign name, choose Private for visibility and hit 'CREATE' button.

  • In Step 2, choose the banner size you want to upload either via Upload image from your pc or Path to image (enter the Img path and find image) and hit 'UPLOAD' .
  • Enter your Destination URL - This is where the recipient will be redirected when he clicks on the banner also known as Landing Page URL or Link.
  • Select your Targeting Devices :ALL, mobile android or mobile ios or all mobile.
  • Use GEO: this is for GEO targetting. If selected this will allow you to limit the banner visibility to the locations entered. In this example zip code 08876 is entered which is in Somerville NJ.
  • When done hit 'SAVE'. Upon save a pop up message will be displayed 'Your Private Ads have been saved successfully. It is available in the Publisher account.'

  • After saving your campaign you will get an email notification. Follow any steps provided within that email notification.


Creating a Publisher's Campaign (Line Item) from ads generated in the Advertiser's Account

  • Access your Publisher's panel and create a Private Campaign that will include the Private ads made in the Advertiser's account.
  • Click 'OVERVIEW' and select 'PRIVATE CAMPAIGNS'

  • Enter the Campaign Name (Similar to Line Item Name)
  • Enter the CPM for this Campaign (CPM = Cost Per 1000 Impressions)
  • Enter the Impressions Limit (Impressions are how many times it will be viewed)
  • Select banner(s) that will be used for this campaign.
  • Click Save to finish

Note: The banners will only show up if they are running in the Advertiser account. They are not visible if they are paused in the Advertiser account. We do this so you can pause a banner without having to update the generated tag code in the newsletter you will see later on.

  •  Upon Save you will be brought back to the Private Campaigns screen where you will see either a green or blue status circle. Green means the campaign is "RUNNING" and blue means it is "Scheduled for a Future Date" . If you see a red circle it means the campaign is Paused. You can unpause a campaign by selecting the campaign and choosing "RUN CAMPAIGN"



Creating an Order

  • Click 'OVERVIEW' and select 'ORDERS' and hit 'CREATE NEW ORDER'.

  • In the order settings enter the information required.
    Name - enter the name for this order
    Select ESP-  field selection is needed because each esp has its own code for placing the ads. NOTE: If you don't see your ESP please let us know and we will add it.Select type of code Options
  • Public - all active public ads from all advertisers in the system will take place in rotation.
  • Private - active private ads from selected campaigns will take place in rotation.
  • Both - first system works as "Private". Once all campaigns are finished (by schedule or impressions limit), spot switches to "Public" type
    Once all parameters are set, hit the 'Create Order button'


Generate Order Code (Display Banner Tag)

  •  Select banner size - will filter only Campaigns, that have at least one banner of the selected size. Since we place ads by size and there can be multiples then the order will be based on the size.
  • Insert the banner code into email as html.