Six Quick and Easy Tips for Getting Better Leads Faster

Your business can’t exist without a constant supply of leads. If you want your business to grow, getting better leads faster is crucial.

When it comes to generating quality leads, there's one key thing to remember. Your sales strategies should always put the primary focus on the client. Don't focus on "advertising your company and products". Instead, focus on addressing people’s needs.

Generating sales today is all about putting the focus on the customer. Not you, your products or company.Click To Tweet

We have entered the era of relationship-driven marketing. Gone are the days when traditional marketing could get you good results and boost your sales.

Today it's rare to find anyone getting good results with traditional direct ads. What works today is forging strong bonds with your existing customers. As well as finding new ways to create relationships with future customers.

Getting Better Leads Featured

People no longer respond to the overt and impersonal approach of traditional advertising. This is mostly because we don’t like being explicitly told to buy a product. Rather, we want to be enticed and subtly persuaded that the product is the best thing for us.

Let's look at some useful strategies for getting better leads faster.

Know your audience ­

The key to devising a good lead generation strategy is learning all you can about your target audience. This includes their likes, dislikes, behavior patterns and the sites that they visit in search of information.

Demographic data such as age, location, gender, marital status and income is also important. Your data has to be reliable so you can get a clear picture and understand the reasoning behind people’s purchase decisions.

The KEY to engaging your audience? Understand who they are.Click To Tweet

Once you’ve done your research, use this data to keep your audience engaged as well as to speed up the conversion. You can segment your prospects into different categories and target them with customized content. Segmentation can be based on location, behavior, age, prior purchases or the readiness to buy.

Make sure to specifically target prospects with the greatest profit potential.

Optimize your website

It only takes people a few seconds to decide whether they want to stay on a website. To help you generate customers, your site has to be presentable and trustworthy. How can you achieve this?

First of all, your site must be visually appealing. Design can make a huge difference when it comes to a website generating trust. Avoid using all-caps paragraphs or exclamation points. Pay attention to the colors, fonts, images and of course, the grammar. Keep the layout simple and functional.

To stimulate lead generation, include sign-up forms on every page. However, don’t ask for too much information during this first step. Asking for too many personal details early on in the process is often a deterrent.

And remember, if you're using a quality ESP, you can always append additional info on a person's contact later on. In the initial stages, you just want to get them on board.

To add credibility, include pictures and testimonials from satisfied clients on the pages where you ask for information.

Post informative videos about your products. Keep the videos educational and easy to understand. This way, visitors will be more confident that purchasing your product is the right decision.

In this age of increasingly scary hacks and security breaches, it’s important to show people that your site is safe to browse. By displaying a trust seal, you reassure visitors it’s okay to provide sensitive information. Trust seals are associated with SSL security technology. SSL helps establish an encrypted link between a web server and a browser.

Include a clear call to action and take steps to encourage a response. For example, if you want people to sign up for a newsletter, tell them how often they will receive emails. Make it clear they can easily unsubscribe if they choose to.

Harness the power of email marketing

Email marketing is undoubtedly the simplest and most affordable way to get quality leads. But make sure that you know how to utilize it to the fullest. Or rather, invest the time to learn about the mistakes you must avoid.

Simply purchasing a mailing list and sending out emails is not the way to go. First, it won’t be successful. Second, you’ll trigger your ESP's spam filters and your content will probably get blocked.

What you need are subscribers that are genuinely interested in what you have to say. Create engaging content that people will look forward to. This way, you can gradually turn them into hot leads and ultimately, customers.

Your emails can work in a variety of ways. You can issue newsletters or send product offers on a regular basis. You can also use your emails to promote other people’s products for a fee.

If you want to give email marketing a try, nothing beats Emercury’s free plan. You’ll have some cutting-edge features at your disposal right from the very start. This will allow you to test out and get a feel for the platform before you choose to upgrade to an advanced plan.

Emercury can also help you create mailing lists in no time at all. Simply place the Emercury sign up box on your website so people can register. To expand your mailing list, you can import any emails you’ve collected from other sources into your Emercury account.

Use referral programs

Referral programs are a great lead generation tool. Referrals can help you enhance your brand trust and reach a larger number of prospects. They can also speed up the movement of leads through the sales process.

Satisfied customers generate new customers. This makes word of mouth a powerful (and free) marketing tool. But, you can also consider rewarding the people that recommend your products. Give them an incentive to refer you to their friends, family and business connections.

It can be a financial stimulus such as a referral fee, a discount on future purchases or some other benefit. Businesses with a referral program generate twice as many leads compared to those without one.

Pay attention to your email design

Email design matters a great deal. There are several aspects you need to consider when creating your email campaigns.

The subject line is the first thing your subscribers see and a huge factor in getting emails opened and read. Make your subject lines enticing, so they’ll provoke people to read the email. Keep them precise. Say what the email is about - an ebook, a webinar, a free course, or something else.

Keep your content educational. Familiarize people with your offer and its benefits to facilitate conversion.

Use carefully selected images to convey your message. Finish your emails with an invitation to a free webinar or audiobook download.

Include sharing links for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin, so people can share your content with friends.

Native ads as lead generators

Native ads are a great way to increase user engagement. They are a form of paid advertisement where the ad matches the visual design of the email. The content of the ad is relevant and blends well into the surrounding content. As a result, the ad doesn't disrupt the visual experience. This is unlike a traditional ad or a banner.

Because of their subtlety, native ads outperform traditional ads when it comes to views and engagement.

One of the most effective ways to use native ads is to integrate them into someone else’s email content. By advertising in newsletters issued by trusted publishers, you capitalize on already established relationships. Since people already view the publisher’s content as valuable, they'll most likely give your content a chance as well.

Using our tips, you will definitely be getting better leads faster than ever

So, what’s the easiest way to place your ad within a newsletter? Admailr has the perfect solution. Our intuitive platform will select the most suitable newsletter for your native ads. It will also ensure the best possible placement every time.

All you have to do is set your campaign preferences and your budget. Then, just sit back and watch as new quality leads flock to you.

With Admailr, there are no setup costs. You control the campaign expenses and the cost per click. Plus, you don’t pay when your ad is displayed, only when someone clicks on it. There’s no better way to maximize your digital visibility and reach more prospects fast.


