Reward Your Newsletter Subscribers With Location-Based Promos

location-based-promosIt is no secret that one of the most powerful ways of improving your relationship with subscribers is by rewarding highly engaged customers, mainly because the effect is twofold: first is that it encourages and motivates said customers to continue giving you their business, and second – it encourages them to promote your services to their friends and acquaintances, because they start to feel like your success will benefit them as well and become invested in ensuring that it continues that way.

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However, very there are still a lot of marketers that have yet to jump on the location based promos bandwagon, which is understandable given the fact that the technology to pinpoint a user’s location only became widely available with the advent of mobile devices. If you’re part of this group of marketers, now is the time to start rewarding your newsletter subscribers with location-based promos, and here are some tips on how to do it right:

Don’t Creep Out the Users

First things first, you have to address the very thing that prevents many users from trusting marketers – don’t creep them out. Make sure your location based promos are logical and doesn’t come out as an invasion of privacy. For instance, it doesn’t matter if the technology allows you to know if a person is currently inside a public comfort room – don’t push promos during that time even if the ads are highly relevant (like, say, discounts on hand cleansers or tissues.) there are times and places where even the most willing consumer won’t appreciate being reminded that they can be tracked.

Make Sure the Promos are Worth It

When it comes to promos and discounts, it doesn’t matter how relevant the promos are to the location, you have to make sure they’re actually worth the effort of taking advantage of things. Now, situations may vary so you’ll have to use common sense for this one, but a 5% off on a $5 cup of coffee isn’t too enticing to customers. We can go back to one of the most basic principles of promotional marketing here: make sure you’re providing something of value.

Learn The Different Types of Location Based Promos

There are different approaches to location-based promos, and it will do you well to learn which ones can apply at any given time. For instance, you can push promos for establishments and places that are nearby (e.g. a free meal on a nearby fastfood) or you can push for promos that are relevant to the location (such as promos on skiing products on a location that’s near a ski resort.)

Treat Impulsive Shoppers and Fence-Sitters Differently

Here is where newsletters really shine: using past behavior, you can get a good idea on which users are impulsive shoppers and which ones tend to research first before purchasing. This is important because there’s a big chance that they carry the same behavior in real life, so when pushing location based promos to these users, you have to treat them differently. For instance, impulsive shoppers may respond better to promo CTAs with a “Buy It Now!” message while fence-sitters tend to respond more to CTAs with a “learn more about this…” message.

Be Honest

Last but not the least - be honest. Newsletter owners and their subscribers already have a sort of gentleman’s agreement over their relationship, in the sense that users already know – and accept – that your main priority is to make a profit. The only thing that they expect from you is to respect the time they give you by not outright screwing them over, so when you provide promos, make sure they’re really valuable and aren’t manipulative schemes to eke money out of users without giving something in return.
